We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below. If you cannot find the answer to your question here we would be happy to discuss your enquiry with you. Please click here to contact us.

There is FREE Parking directly outside the clinic or down the side street.

Initial Consultation, Examination including 1st Treatment = 1hour

Treatments = 20 – 30 minutes

On most occasions yes, depending on the complexity of the case and whether further investigation is warranted.

Often patients can hear a ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ during a chiropractic adjustment. This sound is simply a release of gases from the spinal joints. This sound is not significant, and does not hurt. The sound isn’t a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment.

Often you will feel minor aches and pains which come and go. In other situations you may experience severe pain for a few days which then subsides and disappears. Your body has an amazing capacity to recover, heal and correct, however, the modern lifestyle places an ever increasing level of stress and tension on the body – poor diet, little exercise, high stress, poor posture, too little or too much rest, repetitive movements. Your body will continue to adapt and compensate until it reaches a level in which it cannot tolerate any more. This usually results in significant pain, discomfort and injury. Each time, you experience an episode of pain and discomfort, it often takes longer to recover, is of a higher intensity and the frequency of attacks usually increase, with less ‘good days’ in-between . It all depends if you would like to continue through this cycle of pain and discomfort reaching an unbearable level before seeing a chiropractor, or identifying the cause and correcting it before the condition becomes ever more complex.

It is NOT recommended that you do not adjust yourself. You cannot properly control a self adjustment and may cause further injury. Following a self adjustment you may experience temporary relief, however it is short lived as you’re more likely to adjust the more mobile joints above and below the restricted joint.

Until you have been accessed it is difficult to suggest a recommended recovery period, as everyone is unique. Some patients experience instant relief, while others can take week or months. Remember: Disc Injuries Take 6 -18 months to heal Ligament & Tendon 3-6 months to heal Muscle 6 weeks to heal It does not mean you will be in pain this long, however ‘pain free’ and ‘functioning correctly’ are different. Many factors can also affect your healing process.

  • How long you have had the problem
  • How severe it is
  • Do you keep with the suggested care plan
  • Your age
  • Previous Health History
  • Lifestyle
  • Stress levels
  • Proper exercise, rest, nutrition
  • Old Injuries
  • How committed you are to getting better – i.e. do you stick to the recommendations of the chiropractor.

The number of treatments vary with each patient and their individual health goals.

Relief phase
Initially, many patients experience an improvement within the first few weeks of treatment. During the initial phase (RELIEF PHASE) treatments are twice weekly. Once we review your progress accordingly, you will likely progress into the rehabilitation phase.

Rehabilitation phase
During this phase, treatments become less frequent (every week progressing to once a fortnight while your joints, muscles and nervous system start to stabilise.

MOT phase
Following a further review patients are recommended to follow a series of MOT sessions once a month while your injury is healing correctly (See Healing Times Above). In chronic cases, complete healing can take months or even years. How long you choose to benefit from our care is always entirely up to you.

In summary, it is important to come in for your treatments on a regular basis. Most people will feel a lot more comfortable within 6-8 treatments and further treatments are usually required to help consolidate and maintain progress

As an example
Category 1 (Best):
Relief Phase:
2 x week for 2 weeks

Rehabilitation Phase:
1 x week for 2 weeks
1 x 2 weeks for 4 weeks
1 x month

Category 2:
Relief Phase:
2 x week for 3 weeks
Rehabilitation Phase:
1 x week for 2 weeks
1 x 2 weeks for 4 weeks

1 x month

Category 3 (Worst):
Relief Phase:
2 x week for 4 weeks
Rehabilitation Phase:
1 x week for 2 weeks
1 x 2 weeks for 4 weeks

1 x month
Your chiropractor will discuss with you your likely need for treatment depending on what they find.

How long you receive chiropractic care is entirely up to you, however, following the healing timeline above it is recommended you receive care for the length of the healing process above. Many of our patients, even after the completed healing process, choose to continue with MOT care to prevent relapses, maintain improvements and keep the nervous system functioning at its best.

Our job is to offer the very best care while you decide how much you would like to benefit from it.

Patient results vary. Many report tremendous improvements and are able to totally resume their previous levels of activity. People who have neglected themselves for too long or have delayed seeking care often see slower progress. After improvement, many patients discover that periodic chiropractic check-ups can help avoid a relapse.

X-rays are only taken when clinically necessary.

Previous scans / reports would be helpful especially if they occurred in the last 5 years. Your GP could help get them for you.