More than a Sports Injury Clinic

The back is a complex structure of bone and muscle, supported by tendons, and ligaments.

And many of us know that when you suffer from back pain is can be extremely painful and can put you out of action.  Back pain is actually very common with 80% of the population suffering from back pain.   But there is no need for you to suffer.  Our Liverpool Chiropractor and Sports Injury Clinic can help  you with fast, effective pain relief and return you to peak performance in no time.

We combine our expertise of sport injury knowledge and of Chiropractor knowledge to offer you a tailor made programme to help alleviate the pain and to help keep you pain free.  With hundreds of satisfied patients you can be assured that we can help you.

So if you have suffered a sporting injury or are struggling with back pain, sciatica, tennis elbow or any other related aches and pains, get in touch with out Sports Injury Clinic to see how we can help you.

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  • 0151 792 2149
  • 101 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. L17 4JU

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